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my 2014 plan…what’s yours?

IMG_0049As each year comes to a close you can’t help but look back at the highlighted moments of your life and just reflect. What worked, what didn’t, what were my happy, sad, angry and exciting moments? How will I do things differently based on all that? What was life teaching me about myself and others and where did I feel most successful?

The plan is to find JOY this year. I have a few ideas to share and love it if you would share yours.

  1. Dream it and start to LIVE it: begin with a list of things that make you feel a sense of freedom and bliss. Was it an unexpected surprise from your loved one? Was it spending quality time with your family and friends? Perhaps taking pictures of the trees after the ice-storm. Don’t think about what you think would make you happier but what actually did.
  2. Let it Go! Let it Go! Just like the Disney song…consider what things you did that made you feel small and heavy – bad habits, negative friends, resentment that your holding onto. No one said you have to be aggressive while letting go…just wave ‘bub’bye’ and sing ‘let it go! let it go!’ You are worthy of the freedom and peace.
  3. Have no fear of failure: let’s get this straight: there is NO SUCH THING as failure. It’s all a life lesson (as obnoxious as that sounds , it’s the truth). If you’re always afraid to fail it will only disable you more. Don’t forget that success is constructed from failure, just read about all the freedom fighters in history. Fight with your partner? Life is teaching you about what love really is. Terrible presentation at work? Life is opening the door for you to find your dream career. Everything starts with a thought and finding a problem’s solution is the start to new possibility.
  4. Focus or Pay Attention? I must have heard this word ‘focus’  this from my critics (my friends) 1000000000 times. I’ve tried and it doesn’t work. I love life and there is so much I want to do. I’m working on an organizational system that WILL ALLOW me to do what I want so I’ve basically eliminated this word from my vocab. LOVE LIFE and DO IT ALL (just get a good system so you don’t get stressed out).  So this year my focus is going to be on ‘paying attention’ instead.  ATTENTION to what really matters, what’s really important and central. Life is ready for you (and me), ready to help you get everything you want and there are so many signs just waiting to be noticed. Respond to your thoughts that feel exciting and see where they take you. If the task becomes heavy and a burden it’s not for you (next!) when things are right: doors will just open and everything will unfold naturally. That’s when your energy will just sore creating more momentum for the next exciting venture.

So there you have it.. my 2014..I’m ready. Your turn.

-Heart Mom